Heathrow Expansion Debate: My Contribution 27 Jun 2018 On Monday, I briefly contributed to the debate in parliament about the Heathrow expansion. You…
Shooting in Norwich: my comment in the press 27 Jun 2018 I am deeply concerned about the shooting reported in the linked article and am making…
N&N enters special measures: I speak to ITV 26 Jun 2018 In this clip, I react to the news that the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital has…
I attend Norwich Airport RAF Centenary Celebrations 26 Jun 2018 It was great to be at the Norwich Airport Royal Air Force Centenary Celebration reception on Friday, to…
Hands off our Fire and Rescue service! 25 Jun 2018 HANDS OFF OUR NORFOLK FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE Please sign this petition Norfolk FBU (Eastern…
A guide to this week’s EU Withdrawal Bill amendments A Guide to this Week’s EU Withdrawal Votes With the 15 Lord’s Amendments to the…
I participate in Norwich ‘EU citizens IN LIMBO’ event Last week, I participated in an event at City Hall titled “The human cost of…
I attend ‘Young People’s Brexit Forum’ in Norwich ICYMI: this time last week, I attended Norwich YAB‘s Brexit forum for young people (aged 11-25).…
Government U-turns and proposes new cuts to pharmacies budget I am disappointed to hear that the government will be imposing cuts on community pharmacies,…
Thank you for helping us save community pharmacies! I welcome the government’s decision to abandon plans to cut the community pharmacies budget by…