I have written to Norfolk County Council about their decision to reduce to the working age Minimum Income Guarantee.

This is a copy of my correspondence:

25 September 2025

Dear Norfolk County Council,

I have been contacted by Norfolk Disabled People’s Organisation (NDPO), named JRIMG regarding Norfolk County Council’s decision to reduce the working age Minimum Income Guarantee.

The NDPO say this decision will lead to increasing care costs to the disabled community, many of whom have no way of improving their situation with paid work

The organisation has four key asks:

    1. Reverse the cabinet decision to reduce Minimum Income Guarantee for working age disabled people in a cost-of-living crisis. This increases their care charges from their benefits to levels they cannot afford.
    2. Listen to the voices for DPOs, opposition councillors and other supporters who make valid claims.
    3. Investigate how disabled people are even worse off (2 years the Gov MIG allowed did not rise with inflation).
    4. Address how much is it costing to collect the payments, in debt for disabled people pushed into credit debt, and NCC themselves.

Will Norfolk County Council address the increase in care costs to the disabled community?

Yours sincerely,

Clive Lewis MP

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