A screenshot of Clive Lewis MP on Times Radio
A screenshot of Clive Lewis MP on Times Radio

Today I was invited onto Times Radio to discuss the rise in far-right violence across the country. I told Calum Macdonald that Islamophobic and racist rhetoric from politicians, aided by the mainstream media has fanned the flames of the far-right for years.

The only way we can stop the rise of far-right violence is to confront this history, to acknowledge that “hostile environment” policies have created the conditions for racism against migrants to be normalised.

Cheering on racist rhetoric is what creates the petri dish for the far-right to thrive. If we have a grown-up conversation about the positive impacts of immigration and we’re clear about the safe routes we can create for people to claim asylum, we can build a more compassionate society for not only those seeking safety, but for all of us.

You can watch part of my interview below.

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