Clive Lewis For Norwich South
The word cloud below displays the topics my team and I have received the highest number of emails about so far this year.
Lots of these issues are related to big national campaigns or to Bills currently being considered by parliament. But I’m still receiving hundreds of emails from constituents and local businesses who are struggling due to the impact on the ongoing pandemic and lack of clarity and adequate support provided by the government.
As I’m sure you will understand, our priority still has to be responding to the high volume of urgent and/or personal cases – but we’re still trying to get back to as many people as possible on as many issues as possible.
If you think there’s an issue I can help you with, you can get in touch using the details listed here:
And here you can find a useful guide with some advice on what kind of issues I can help with as an MP, and what issues it might be best to follow up with your local councillors: