Clive Lewis For Norwich South

Tomorrow the General Election ‘short campaign’ starts, Parliament dissolves and I formally cease to become an MP. This means I revert to being Labour candidate for Norwich South and won’t be referring to myself as an MP again (hopefully!) until after the election has concluded. I’m editing my Facebook page, website and other online presences to reflect this.
The help my office can offer to constituents over the period while I’m not an MP is limited because of the strict parliamentary rules overseeing elections. Staff members will still be checking our casework inbox to make sure there are no safeguarding issues, or urgent cases with very pressing deadlines, but otherwise we will be unable to take up new cases. Everyone with an open case with us should have received an email explaining this situation.
This Facebook page will be used throughout the campaign to share policy announcements, campaigning details and my vision for real change in Norwich. You can also keep up to date by following me on Twitter (labourlewis), Instagram (labourlewis) and my website ( If you need to get in touch for any purposes relating to the election or campaign, email