Clive Lewis For Norwich South

I was asked by the Eastern Daily Press for my views on why there haven’t been any reviews of the deaths of homeless people in Norfolk and Waveney. I’m quoted in the linked article and below is the full quote I gave to the paper.
“For a review to take place, all it takes is for a statutory body like the Police, Social Services or the NHS to say they think one is necessary. So why doesn’t that happen?
Frankly, it’s partly because we as a society don’t value the lives of homeless people very highly and there’s an undercurrent of belief that many of them probably brought it on themselves.
And if that’s not awful enough, the consequence of not looking into these deaths of our fellow citizens means that homelessness issues fall further and further down the list of priorities.
Tory government cuts to services for homeless people have resulted in thousands of deaths. So it is mighty convenient for them that the reasons why those people died remain unrevealed.”