Clive Lewis For Norwich South
Brexit Survey
Brexit Survey: I want to hear your views!
You can help Clive and Labour win by making a one-off DONATION or a regular contribution to the Norwich South campaign fund. Donate easily online here: or by sending a cheque made out to Norwich Labour Party to NS Campaign Fund Donations, St Mark’s Church Hall, Hall Road, Norwich, NR1 3HL
As a political party, Labour has a key role in engaging with voters as part of our democracy. We use information you provide about your views, as well as other information we have, for our purposes as a political party. If you add your email address and/or ‘phone number to a survey or petition and return it to us, you confirm that you would like the Labour Party and its elected representatives to contact you about campaigns, events, and opportunities to get involved using the contact methods you have chosen to provide. You can opt out at any time, and find out more about how we use personal data on our website: