Clive Lewis For Norwich South
Yesterday, a Sunday paper reported that I am backing, at the next election, a “remain alliance” of anti-No Deal parties. The aim of such an aliiance would be to advantage the anti-No Deal party with the best chance of beating the Tories in as many seats as possible.
The linked article is behind a paywall so. for people without a subscription to this paper, here is a brief summary of what I said.
“Every bit of air time the parties get should be aimed at the Tories and the Brexit Party rather than each other. It’s as simple as that.”
“Because the Lib Dems are predominantly targeting Tory seats, it becomes quite simple for the Labour Party. These are seats the Labour Party has no chance of winning . . . so what we should do is to stand a paper candidate in those seats, which means you put up a candidate by name only and don’t do any actual campaigning.”
There are only two Labour–Lib Dem marginals. In those I am in favour of the parties going “head to head” and, of course, I want Labour to win both.