Clive Lewis For Norwich South

Last week, I was pleased to be able to attend the launch of ‘Pathways’: a new partnership scheme which aims to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping by making it easier to access a range of help in fewer steps.
St Martins Housing Trust are taking the lead, and other organisations on board include Shelter, The Salvation Army – Norwich Citadel, The Feed, YMCA Norfolk, City Reach and Future Projects. Professionals such as advisors, health practitioners and police liaisons have also been recruited.
Pictured is me with St Martin’s Chief Executive Jan Sheldon, and with Colin, a former rough sleeper himself.
Being among so many people who are so passionate about making life better for those who’ve fallen on hard times and are sleeping rough was inspiring, and I know everyone concerned is working hard under difficult circumstances to see real change. I’m looking forward to spending more time with some of the agencies involved to learn more about their contribution.