Clive Lewis For Norwich South
The word cloud below displays the topics my team and I have received the highest number of emails about from Norwich South constituents in February.
It’s worth noting that some topics are displaying as big on here because I received a high volume of emails on them as part of a coordinated template email campaign. On the other hand, some topics might appear small on the cloud but the cases related to them may have been more complex or urgent so taken up much more of our time and attention.
As you can see, coronavirus is still dominating our caseload. I’m receiving hundreds of emails from constituents with personal issues resulting from the pandemic, and also from those wanting my support or views on legislation relating to it. My team and I are still prioritising pressing, personal casework, rather than round-robin campaign emails or general policy queries, but we are still trying to get back to as many people as possible on a wide range of issues.
If you think there’s something I can assist you with, get in touch: