Clive Lewis For Norwich South

Today I’m launching this video (LINK) as we approach the last chance to save our children’s centres.
I am very grateful to the parents and staff who spoke so honestly and openly to Jeremy Corbyn and me about their experiences. We were moved by things you told us and angered that the Tories want to take away these vital services from the parents and children of our city.
It’s recently been revealed there’s an unexpected extra £3m in the Local Government Settlement for Norfolk. So County Tories have no excuses for making their proposed £3m cut to the children’s centre budget and no need now to close them. But as this is a bunch of Tories who give themselves huge rises in their allowances while making these cuts like these, we’ll all have to keep the pressure up to make them do the right thing.
Once again, these Tory plans show the gulf between what you get what you get with Labour and what the Tories do. My party has already said we will reverse cuts to Children’s Centres. This simply would not be happening if Labour were in government now.
The Children’s Services Committee at Norfolk County Council will meet on Tuesday 22nd January to make their final decision. The meeting is being held in public. I urge as many constituents as possible to join the lobby outside county hall from 8.30am, and watch the meeting from the public gallery at 10am
Tomorrow Norfolk County Labour group launch #10daystosaveourcentreswhich I wholeheartedly support. They have campaigned relentlessly and passionately for all of Norfolk’s children’s centres alongside parents who have selflessly shared their own #thereforme stories to try and protect what they value and rely on.